OneWeb vs SpaceX Starlink Satellite Internet

August 16, 2021

OneWeb vs. SpaceX Starlink

In this modern age, high-speed internet is a basic need for most people. The internet is an indispensable part of our daily lives, whether for work, study, or entertainment. Even in remote areas where traditional internet is unavailable, satellite technology provides internet connectivity.

OneWeb and SpaceX Starlink are two big names in the satellite internet industry. They are both working towards providing high-speed internet to the underserved and remote areas of the world.


OneWeb has launched 218 satellites into orbit, while SpaceX has launched 1,740 satellites. Both companies have plans to increase their constellation size significantly in the coming years.

Internet Speeds

OneWeb claims to provide internet speeds of up to 375 Mbps, while SpaceX claims to provide speeds of up to 150 Mbps. However, neither company has achieved these speeds yet.

According to initial speed tests conducted by Ookla in November 2020, SpaceX was able to deliver speeds ranging from 11 Mbps to 60 Mbps, with an average speed of 45 Mbps. On the other hand, OneWeb was able to deliver speeds ranging from 32 Mbps to 49 Mbps, with an average speed of 42 Mbps. It is worth noting that these speed tests were conducted with a small number of satellites in orbit.


OneWeb aims to provide internet to the entire world with its constellation, while SpaceX’s initial focus is on providing internet services to the Northern Hemisphere. However, SpaceX has plans to eventually provide global coverage.


The cost of satellite internet is typically higher than traditional internet due to the high costs associated with launching and maintaining the constellation of satellites.

OneWeb plans to offer its services at a significantly lower price than its competitors, with a goal of serving individual users in developing countries. The exact cost is yet to be announced, but it is said to be around $1 per day for unlimited data usage.

SpaceX, on the other hand, currently offers its services at a price of $99 per month with a one-time equipment cost of $499.


Both OneWeb and SpaceX Starlink have ambitious plans to revolutionize the way we access the internet. They are both making tremendous progress in this direction, but it is still too early to determine which company will be the ultimate leader in the market.

OneWeb seems to be focusing more on affordability and providing internet to remote areas of developing countries, while SpaceX is more focused on providing global coverage with high-speed internet.

The satellite internet market is still in its early stages, and as the technology improves and the number of companies in the market increases, we are likely to see significant improvements in both speed and cost.


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